Make a Telegram login without a phone number
Using Telegram without a phone number
How to log in Telegram without a phone number through Tiger SMS
Out prices for Telegram verification start as low as 13 cents, and this isn’t our only advantage
Now we’ll tell you in detail about the procedure to register Telegram without a phone number
How to recover a Telegram account without a phone number after it was banned?
If Telegram blocks your account, there are only two possible options

Telegram has been around for almost 10 years now, and since the very beginning, it’s been firmly holding its position within the list of most popular messengers. Millions of people use Telegram for business and personal communication. However, in our days of online insecurity more and more people are looking for a way to use Telegram without a phone number.
So, how to create Telegram without a phone number? First of all, people often use this solution when they need to have several separate Telegram accounts. Why? For example, not to mix personal and business communication. Or to keep one’s identity anonymous online. Or just when you don’t have a personal phone number available and want to instantly create an account.
Whatever your reasons are, let’s have a look at how to chat on Telegram without a phone number. Who knows, if you don’t need it today - maybe you need it tomorrow?
Using Telegram without a phone number
For some reason, many people think that the only option not to use one’s private phone number for login is to buy an existing Telegram account. This is not true! And here’s why we strongly recommend NOT to use this solution:
there are many dishonest people on the Internet. Since a seller has full access to your account, he can claim it back any moment and vanish with your money (and then sell it again to another poor guy). This is especially important if your messages hold some valuable information.
Telegram’s security system is not a joke. They try to fight the market of second-hand accounts, so your account has a high risk of being blocked.
An existing account is expensive. Prices do not even compare to a virtual number.
So, it’s obvious that the cheapest, most secure and most simple way to open Telegram without a phone number is to buy a virtual number for SMS verification.
How to log in Telegram without a phone number through Tiger SMS
If you decided to go with a virtual number as your privacy solution, how does one choose the most reliable platform for that? In 2023 there are a lot of services offering virtual numbers, but not all of them are trustworthy. Luckily, there is a cheap and absolutely secure service - Tiger SMS.
Out prices for Telegram verification start as low as 13 cents, and this isn’t our only advantage:
The cheapest reliable offers on the market.
Even for a single-time user, our prices are still very affordable. For bulk users, prices drop even more.
Guaranteed anonymity of our customers. All the data we get from you is never transferred to any third persons.
In case of trouble our online support team is willing to help you.
We support many ways of payment.
Now we’ll tell you in detail about the procedure to register Telegram without a phone number:
1. Open the main page of Tiger SMS and register on our platform.
2. Choose what service you want to register at (Telegram, for example). By the way, we support a lot of popular platforms, you might want to have a look at those as well.
3. Buy a virtual number for Telegram (or whatever platform you want) - there’s a corresponding button to click.
4. After you made the purchase, your new number will be displayed on your personal page in the "Active numbers" section.
5. Use this number at the Telegram application for registration.
6. Receive your verification code on your personal page at Tiger SMS.
After you confirm your code at the Telegram app, your new account is ready to use. No limitations and no risks!
How to recover a Telegram account without a phone number after it was banned?
If Telegram blocks your account, there are only two possible options:
If it’s a temporary ban, you wait until the system unblocks it automatically. Normally these temporary bans don’t influence your account status and don’t impose any limitations to the functionality.
If you’re banned forever, there’s no other way than to create a new account (read above on how to join Telegram without a phone number).
Any Telegram account can be equally used on a PC or a smartphone, however after a ban we recommend taking into account your experience and avoiding those actions in future.
Anyway, you can always come back to Tiger SMS and register Telegram without a phone number again! We’ll continue improving our solutions to provide privacy in this unsafe world and we’ll be here for you every time you need a fast and secure provider of virtual numbers.