How to open a Facebook account without a phone number in 2023
Create an Fb account without a phone number
How to create a Fb account without a phone number and email with the help of Tiger SMS
What are the main advantages of Tiger SMS compared to other solutions?

No matter if we want it or not, Facebook has become a big part of our lives. Millions of people use it every day for business and private communication. And consequently, more and more people look for a way to create a new Facebook account without a phone number.
As with almost any other online platform now, Facebook also pushes its users towards tying a profile to a phone number. Luckily, in 2023 there’s still a way to use Facebook without a phone number - for example, with the help of a virtual number for Facebook from Tiger SMS.
Create an Fb account without a phone number
You might be asking what the reasons are to register on Facebook without a phone number and email. Well, there are several reasons and each of them is not something to neglect. Consider the following situations:
a person needs a second account for communication on Facebook (so, his personal number is already in use);
a businessman wants to set up a professional account but doesn’t want it to be linked to his private page;
a person needs several independent business accounts;
someone takes care of his privacy and is not ready to share his private phone number with a huge media industry.
Obviously, you might have other reasons not to use your number for registration on Facebook. And whatever your considerations are, Tiger SMS is ready to provide you with a virtual number for registration. All you need is to register at Tiger SMS and buy a number for Facebook, which takes only a couple of minutes.
How to create a Fb account without a phone number and email with the help of Tiger SMS
Tiger SMS is a reliable platform that will help you register on any popular online service without exposing your personal phone number. It’s not expensive, fast and easy to use. A number for a Facebook account costs only 3 cents and has no disadvantages, so why doubt?
What are the main advantages of Tiger SMS compared to other solutions?
A virtual number is much cheaper than buying an existing account.
Tiger SMS is fast: get a number for Facebook, log in without a phone number and email and start using your new account just right away.
Our service is secure and anonymous. Your new account is going to be clean (no shady history as with existing accounts) and all your data is going to be safe.
You can create as many accounts as you need.
With Tiger SMS you can register at any online service through a virtual number and never have issues with scam or spam.
We don’t ask why you want to sign up for Facebook without a phone number - we provide solutions. We do think the Internet should be a safe place and we want to help you with that. Register with a virtual number and don’t worry about your data anymore. Got other questions as to how to open a Fb account without a phone number and email? Ask our online support - we’re here to help!