Dolphin Anty and Tiger SMS: How to Create Multiple Accounts on Any Platform?
What is Multi-Account Management and What Is It For?
In many areas of internet activity, multi-accounting is necessary for the following reasons
How to Create Many Accounts on One Platform as a Single User?
Why Do You Need a Virtual Number Provider Here?
How to Massively Create Accounts Using TIGER SMS and Dolphin Anty?

Many types of online businesses, online marketing, and reputation management require managing a large number of accounts. This is called multi-accounting. Managing dozens, hundreds, or more accounts is referred to as account farming.
What is Multi-Account Management and What Is It For?
It is the creation of a large number of accounts on a platform, all managed by a single user. Any online platform allows a limited number of accounts to be held.
Exceeding these limits is not as easy as it may seem. Many websites have antifraud systems (counteracting manipulations). They scan browser fingerprints and use them to identify users trying to register new accounts beyond the limit. Antifraud systems also block registrations for users who have previously been banned from the platform for violating any rules.
In many areas of internet activity, multi-accounting is necessary for the following reasons:
- Profile Promotion. A prime example is YouTube videos, which are promoted by inflating likes and comments from hundreds and thousands of accounts. It is possible to register such a number of accounts for a single user, but the system will see the manipulation. Therefore, the platform must “believe” that the accounts belong to different users. This works in the same way for promotion on Twitter, TikTok, Google Play, and other similar platforms.
- Reputation Manipulation. This mainly involves posting positive reviews and approval comments. Review sites are very strict about manipulations. If a user creates more than one account and then actively posts reviews, they are immediately blocked;
- Advertising Scaling. Advertising platforms usually limit the number of accounts for a single user. But with just one account, large volumes of advertising cannot be launched;
- SMM Scaling. Sometimes an SMM specialist needs to manage a large number of profiles or pages, more than the social network allows a single user to have;
- Advertising Monitoring. Those who work with online advertising campaigns create many accounts, not only to launch promotions but also to monitor competitors' ads. For example, by filling out a Facebook profile with different interests and simulating different devices, one can track different advertisements;
- Extended Use of Free Service Versions. Some services offer discounts or free versions for a limited time to new users. To use them for a longer period, multiple accounts need to be created;
- Bypassing Betting Limits. Some bookmakers limit the size of the first bet and the number of bets for a single player within a certain time. To bypass these limits, players must create multiple accounts.
It is worth noting that some users create many accounts for gray activities—spamming, fraudulent messages, creating clone pages, selling prohibited substances, cyberbullying, etc. Such activities are either borderline or completely illegal. The rules of TIGER SMS and Dolphin Anty prohibit using their services for illegal actions.
However, in most cases, multi-accounting is not linked to immoral or illegal activities, so we explain and show how to bypass the limits on creating multiple accounts.
How to Create Many Accounts on One Platform as a Single User?
To bypass limitations and deceive antifraud systems, you need to replace the browser fingerprint. The best tool for this is an anti-detect browser. With its help, you can create browser profiles (BPs). Each profile is an isolated space simulating a separate user with a unique digital fingerprint.
List of Browser Profiles in Dolphin Anty and Their Opening.
When creating a browser profile, you can simulate many devices and operating systems, as well as add proxies to change your location.
Creating a Profile in Dolphin Anty, Adding a Proxy, and Choosing the Operating System the Profile Will Simulate.
To successfully simulate a fingerprint, it must appear natural and consistent in the eyes of antifraud systems. Let's open the "None" profile with Polish proxies and go to the Pixelscan website.
In Pixelscan, the operation of antifraud systems is displayed on the screen. Any inconsistencies in the browser fingerprint are shown on the screen. However, here we see that Pixelscan did not detect any inconsistencies, meaning neither will Facebook, Google, TikTok, or other platforms.
Thus, with Dolphin Anty, you can create browser profiles and register a new account in each profile on the same website. The number of BPs equals the number of accounts on this platform. The site will not know that all these accounts are used by one person.
Why Do You Need a Virtual Number Provider Here?
Some online services do not allow account registration without a phone number—Google, Facebook, Amazon, TikTok, Paypal, VK, Walmart, etc. Here, virtual number providers come to the rescue. These are services where you can rent a number to receive SMS with a code for registration or action confirmation online. One such service is TIGER SMS.
A wide selection of numbers. Over 100,000 virtual numbers from 260+ countries are available;
Low cost and payment for actual SMS receipt. Prices start from 5 rubles;
Anonymity. No personal data is required to use the service;
A variety of payment methods. The service accepts different payment methods, including bank cards, e-wallets, and cryptocurrencies;
API for automation. Developers and business users can integrate via API, which allows automating the process of receiving SMS messages.
Enough Theory. Let’s Test the Service in Practice.
How to Massively Create Accounts Using TIGER SMS and Dolphin Anty?
For example, let's try to register an account in PayPal using a free number from TIGER SMS. Free numbers are available in the corresponding section of the website.
At the same time, let's open a Google profile in Dolphin Anty and open the PayPal registration page. Now, in TIGER SMS, let's choose the number +46731298593.
Next, go back to PayPal and enter this number for registration.
Insert the number in the registration field and click "Register." The system sends an SMS with a confirmation code to the provided number.
We enter the code, and everything is ready!
Now, just enter a password, add an address (you can choose any random street and house number), and the account is ready to use.
Thus, you can register as many accounts as you want, both in PayPal and any other service. The only limitation is the number of profiles in Dolphin Anty and the number of numbers you have purchased.
Important! For multi-accounting, you need to get paid numbers because anyone can access the free ones. This means they can receive the confirmation SMS and gain access to your account.
Antidetect-browser Dolphin Anty and TIGER SMS allow you to create an unlimited number of accounts for various online tasks. The most important thing is that such accounts appear trustworthy and look like they were created by real and different users. To test the antifraud detection of Dolphin Anty, use the free version with 10 profiles.